These things are perfect for summer cookouts where you need to keep insects away from a large group of people. Next time, skip the bug spray and light a candle that’ll keep the bugs at bay while making the party smell great in the process. Check out the images below to learn how you can make your very own all-natural mosquito repellant.
Here’s everything you’ll need to get started:
▪ 5-6 Lemon slices
▪ 5-6 Lime slices
▪ Few sprigs of Rosemary
▪ Water (fill remainder of jar with water)
▪ Active ingredient: Lemon Eucalyptus Oil (7-10 drops)
▪ Floating tea candles
Place the lemon, lime, rosemary, and lemon eucalyptus oil in your mason jar and fill to the top with water. Then, place a tea candle on top and light it.